Facts About Mold
Mold spores develop in dark, damp environments. When these spores are agitated, they become airborne. They can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or ingested with food. While some people are not affected negatively, others in the same environment may be affected. Mold can grow in many places, behind a shower wall, in a dark hallway closet, on a bathroom ceiling, in an enclosed laundry room, or under a kitchen sink – anywhere the environment is dark and damp. Since prolonged exposure may lead to health problems for anyone living or working in these environments, homeowners and landlords should act quickly to destroy any mold spores as soon as they are discovered.
After you have had either a small or large flood in your home, when the water has been cleaned up you might think your problems are over. This might be far from the case if you soon discover that you have mold growing anywhere that the flood water affected. The possibility for mold is greater depending on the amount of flood water and how long it was in the home.
Mold can begin to grow anywhere that was wet enough, long enough to get it started. This can be disastrous to the value of your home even if all the visible signs of the flood have been repaired. Sometimes the mold will not always be growing where it can be seen. It is notorious for developing and growing under the floors, in the walls, or under cabinets where it is not noticeable. Mold can grow for ages behind walls and not be detected until the walls are taken out. This is why so many people can develop allergies and illnesses that they can not explain.
If you notice that you or a family member has begun to develop sensitivities when they are in the home, mold might be the reason. Mold spores float in the air and are breathed into the body. The reactions to mold spores can be minor to severe, in some instances even deadly for those with extreme sensitivities or compromised immune systems. If you have recently had flooding in your home, you might consider having a damage expert come in to check for signs of mold growth.
If you find serious mold growth somewhere in the home that cannot be easily killed, perhaps behind walls, then you will need professional help getting rid of it. It could be that some areas may need to be torn out altogether and replaced. In some instances it could be that a good size area will just need disinfecting with a mold killing product. If your mold is growing out in the open, try using chlorine bleach. This should destroy small areas of mold. Always go back and check later to make sure it has not started growing again.