
dehumidifier-186x300Dehumidifiers play a huge role in preventing mold and mildew growth when there has been a flood or some other form of damage. Our high-powered and portable Phoenix 200 MAX LGR Dehumidifier can remove up to 30 gallons of moisture from the air in a day, all while using minimal electricity.

The optimal humidity in a home is depends on the temperature.

Outside Temperature Indoor Relative Humidity

Above 50 °F Not over 50%
Above 20 °F Not over 40%
Between 10º & 20ºF Not over 35%
Between 0º & 10ºF Not over 30%
Between -10º & 0ºF Not over 25%
Between -20º & –10ºF Not over 20%
-20ºF or below Not over 15%

Above these levels, and that a home is at risk of growing mildew, mold, fungus, or in the winter, frosted windows.

Give us a call at anytime to rent our dehumidifier equipment! (612) 331-4454

Equipment We Rent

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