Mold Removal in Minneapolis MN

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Mold Removal

mold removal Minneapolis, Minnesota mold remediation done right professionally by Done Right Carpet and Restoration

Mold can be a serious problem if left untreated, as it can cause significant health problems and extensive damage to your property. Done Right Carpet & Restoration, Inc offers mold removal services in Minneapolis, MN, and the surrounding area to help protect you from the risks associated with this hazardous substance.

Our experienced technicians are highly skilled at detecting and removing mold growth safely and efficiently. We use advanced technology to remove every trace of mold from your home or business so that you can rest assured that your family or employees will remain safe and healthy. With our comprehensive mold removal services, we strive to ensure all areas affected by mold are restored to their original condition quickly and effectively. Contact us today for professional mold removal services in Minneapolis, MN.

Types of Mold

The most common types of household molds include Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Aspergillus, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These types of mold can be differentiated based on the following characteristics:

  • Cladosporium – Appears greenish-black or dark gray in color; Can grow on an array of surfaces, including fabrics and carpets.
  • Penicillium – Appears blue or green in color; Typically flourishes in areas with high humidity levels, like bathrooms and basements.
  • Aspergillus – Appears white or yellow in color; Found mainly on drywall, fabrics, and carpets.

At Done Right Carpet & Restoration, Inc, we have extensive experience removing all types of mold. Our team of professionals can effectively identify and remove mold growth from any surface to help protect your property and those close to you. If you spot any spores in your home that look like any of the previous descriptions, don’t hesitate to contact Done Right Carpet & Restoration, Inc for mold removal services in Minneapolis, MN. 

What Causes Mold Growth?

Mold typically grows due to high levels of moisture and humidity. Various factors, including an inadequate ventilation system, water leaks or spills, poor drainage around the property, humid climate conditions, and more, can cause this. Therefore, it is important to always keep your home or business well-ventilated, as this will help reduce the chance of mold growth.

If you experience any leaks in your home, fully dry those areas with a fan, towels, and plenty of ventilation. You can also prevent mold by running an air conditioner and utilizing a dehumidifier if you live in a humid climate. Furthermore, call Done Right Carpet & Restoration, Inc if you are unsure whether mold is present in your home or business.

Signs You Have Mold

If you have experienced recent leaks in your home or you live in a moist climate, it is best to be aware of the signs that you may have mold in your home or business. While many believe it is something you will see, there are plenty of cases where mold can be present but not visible to the eye. Let’s discuss some signs you may have mold growth in your home or business.

Visible Growth 

As mentioned earlier, the most common sign of a mold issue is visible growth on surfaces like walls, floors, and ceilings. Mold typically appears as dark spots or patches, although it can also be white, gray, yellowish-brown, or nearly black in color. It often looks fuzzy or slimy and usually has an earthy smell associated with it. It will often appear in large circular patches or multiple small spots like freckles.

Musty Smell 

If you are unable to see mold but a specific room in your home or business smells musty, this is another indicator of mold. A musty smell can be described as smelling damp or of decay. If you notice a persistent, unpleasant odor when you enter an area, it’s likely due to the presence of mold spores. This smell is often stronger in areas where there has been water leakage or flooding previously.

Discolored Walls and Paint Peeling 

Mold can also cause discoloration on your walls and ceilings. You may notice patches of color that appear darker than usual or paint that’s peeling off in certain areas. This is usually due to the moisture present in the air combined with high humidity levels creating damp surfaces where mold can thrive. The discoloration could also be caused by water damage from plumbing issues or flooding, leading to mold growth if not addressed properly and promptly. 

Allergies Acting Up

If, by chance, you have not noticed any of the previous signs of mold, but you are experiencing allergic reactions such as sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, headaches, stuffy nose, sore throat, and more, this is another sign of mold. These allergic reactions will likely occur shortly after entering a particular room in your home or business. This is especially true if these symptoms occur more frequently during humid weather conditions when there’s more moisture in the air for mold spores to feed off of. If this is the only sign you are aware of, it is better to be safe than sorry; contact Done Right Carpet & Restoration, Inc.

How Does Done Right Carpet & Restoration Help?

Our experienced staff can remove mold from your home or business with no damage to your home. Our process involves using an air filter to reduce the air of humidity and mold spores in the air. They will then isolate the area and utilize a HEPA-approved vacuum that removes the mold while producing clean air. We will then use special cleaners to remove any leftover mold growth and disinfect the area. Keep in mind that mold removal applies to early cases of mold growth and not mold growth that has begun to cause large amounts of damage and decay.

Mold Removal Services in Minneapolis, MN

Mold is incredibly dangerous for your health, leading to minor issues such as itchy or watery eyes, sneezing, and congestion, up to more major issues such as coughing and shortness of breath and asthma symptoms for those with asthma. That’s why it is so important to be aware of mold growth in your home or business. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, contact Done Right Carpet & Restoration, Inc at (612) 331-4454 for mold removal services in Minneapolis, MN, today. We have technicians available 24/7 to take your call!

Choose Done Right for your Mold Removal Services in Minneapolis, MN!

Mold is incredibly dangerous for your health, leading to minor issues such as itchy or watery eyes, sneezing, and congestion, up to more major issues such as coughing and shortness of breath and asthma symptoms for those with asthma. That’s why it is so important to be aware of mold growth in your home or business. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, contact Done Right Carpet & Restoration, Inc at (612) 331-4454 for mold removal services in Minneapolis, MN, today. We have technicians available 24/7 to take your call!

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